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Buidheann Eachdraidh Ionadail Chanaidh; Canna Local History Group



The Canna Local History Group was founded in 2010 and dissolved in September 2016. This website and all its content remains the property of the founder and a historical record of the activity of the group during the period of its existence. 


The groups objectives were;

    1. Preserving the history of Canna and its satellite island Sanday through the upkeep of an Internet web page and the publication of an historical journal and other local history material.
    2. To initiate and encourage research into the history of Canna and Sanday and to publish results as and when necessary
    3. Organising historical lectures primarily but not exclusively for members of the Group.
    4. Working with other agencies concerned with the collection, conservation, interpretation and exhibition of artefacts relating to the history and local heritage of Canna and Sanday.
    5. Have an educational role in the interpretation of the history of Canna and Sanday.


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